Sunday, September 14, 2008

That favorite teacher...

Today I saw her! Madame Krasucki, my French teacher for three years in high school. She has been the teacher I've always cited as my favorite when asked that age-old question of who that one teacher was that had a lasting impact on me. She taught me so much about language, which I loved, but also so much about life! She was that teacher who everyone felt they could open up to and tell their life's story. It's been 12 years since I've seen this wonderful lady, and today I saw her again!

I caught her eye as she was leaving the building, and she stopped in her tracks to shout out my name. It was like slow motion in a movie, I ran over to her. We embraced. I had the silliest grin on my face, not only because I saw her but because she instantly recognized me!

I had to tell her what I'd always told others--that she was and always will be that one extra special teacher. She said I made her day. I hope so, because she made many of mine. If I ever teach, which I sometimes aspire to do, I will try to emulate her caring way and her enthusiasm for teaching yet another batch of students how to make crepes, how to say the Hail Mary in French, and how to pass that monstrous AP French exam!

Madame Krasucki, though I never said it when I knew you well, you are one of a kind!

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