Sunday, May 18, 2008

Libraries-- a blast from the past

Last Thursday on my way home from work, I stopped at the library. I recently joined a book club, and thought I'd save a buck by checking out our latest read from the library. The library in our town is state of the art. Apparently, it recently went through a renovation, and it looks great!

I can honestly say I haven't been in a library since my undergraduate days at Michigan, and even then I was usually there to study--not peruse the aisles of texts. It's interesting how every library--no matter where--has that same smell and the same sense of quiet. You walk in, you whisper, you make small movements, you do what you need to do without all the commotion of everyday living that seems to take over just about anywhere else we are.

I walked around for a while looking at books on shelves and feeling a little like I'd stepped back in time to my childhood when I spent every other week at the library checking out records and books with my mom. I knew exactly where the Braille books were that I liked to pull off the shelf and touch with my fingertips. I knew where the oversized files were that had to be housed in drawers because of their awkward size. I knew exactly where to find Millions of Cats, my all time favorite childhood book. I probably checked it out at least 15 times!

It felt good to be back in a place of order. Many things change--actually most things change in this fast-paced world of ours. And while the library system has also changed in terms of paper to electronic, it's nice to know that for the most part this institution remains unchanged by time.

I kinda like that about the library. I look forward to going back, and hopefully it won't be 10 more years until I do.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day mom!!

Today is Mother’s Day and I am glad to say
Mom—I love you! Today is your day!
Thanks is not enough for all that you do.
You deserve everything you want times three hundred and twenty two.

You’ll surely get lots of gifts on this Mother’s Day
But here are some words to succinctly say
I wouldn’t be who I am if it weren’t for you
You mean the world to me, I mean it—you do!

I was born last—the final of four.
And yet I never felt you were tired or bored
With mothering yet another crazy girl
Who would make the next 18 years plus a bit of a whirl.

I remember lots of simple but special daily interactions that are distinctly you
Here are a few—most of which still ring true!

In the mornings, there was Alice and Mindy and a Mork in there too,
When mom did our hair, she would name each up-do.
Then there was St. Patty’s when she made that special cabbage and corned beef
And the many skinned knees and mosquito bites for which she’d provide Solarcane relief.

As a wee one I often remember my mom going off to work or school
And tears would drip down my cheek as I sat alone on my kitchen stool
Wishing she would be my room mother or one of the ladies who dropped us at school.
But now that I’m old and work myself, I look back on her impressive career and think “how cool!”

What other kid got to play in her mom’s classroom and pretend to teach the class
And brag that their mom was teacher of the year—one of the many accolades she would amass.
Even while working, mom was sure to take days off to join us on our field trips to the park or zoo
Where I recall a certain little pig that she held in her arms did a little doo-doo.

She would come home on her short lunch break to check on us when home sick from school
And always made Christmas a much anticipated Yule.
The gifts would be stacked in piles marked for each tyke
And the favorite coffee cake would fill us with delight!

In the exciting days leading up to Santa’s big day
She would read us Richard Scarry’s Christmas tales to keep us at bay.
That Terrible Teddy and bare skinned bear
Would have us all enthralled and at the pages we’d stare!

She didn’t like to cook but did it quite often anyway
Baking oatmeal crispies, white velvets and banana bread to our shouts of Hooray.
When we turned thirteen she gave us each a ring of pearl
And on many an Easter holiday she prepped our hair with tight curls.

Our birthdays she always made special with our favorite tasty fare
Working as we ate rarely taking to her own chair.

Many a sleepover she allowed for us to host
And in the kitchen with a book and flashlight she would supervise at her post.

How special in this day and age to remember the beautiful dresses that she handmade
And night after night she sat with us with hands folded as we prayed.
“Now I lay me down to sleep” were the words she taught us to say
Each night before we got into bed and drifted away.

The Bunny cake, aspirin gum, raspberry turnovers and Sanders hot fudge
Are all memories of mom that will from my mind never budge.

Her beautiful scrapbooks have a way capturing moments in time
And freezing them forever in a cute verse or rhyme.
She pays close attention when you mention aloud an item you desire
And goes back later to buy it for you as a special gift to admire.

And even today with her four girls grown tall
She is still giving us her 100% all.
To us and ours and of course our father too
And says when questioned, “it’s just what I do!”

Thought springs from her heart and patience is her virtue
Heck nary one of us regularly made it home before curfew
And never a loud word would she to us say
She just wanted to know we were home and out of harm’s way.

That is, was and always has been her M.O.
After all she is the daughter of Marian Roe!
Two kinder souls I’d be hard pressed to name.
Their kindness puts most others to shame.

Happy Mother’s Day and thanks for the years of wonderful memories!

Jacquie (and Bill)!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Mothers delight in you

So many descriptors come to mind for me when I think of the word mother.

But I think it was best said in my Aunt Kathy's funeral eulogy when her pastor said "mothers delight in you."

I'm not a mother--well not to humans--but I am a daughter. And I think my mom delights in me. I love that she does. I love that phrase.

I think it works both ways. Daughters delight in their mothers who would do anything for them and usually do!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Spring has sprung

After a very long winter, we've turned a corner here in the Midwest. Spring is officially here, and I have proof!
We discovered a family of baby bunnies living under our deck. They are so tiny! The picture below doesn't do justice to how small they are. Adorable. I could've watched this little guy for hours.

We've been watching a robin build this nest on the ledge of the shed in our backyard. Then we saw the three blue eggs she laid and fiercely protected...

Then...they finally hatched! Not the cutest things just yet but undoubtedly they will come into their own!

And last but not least...check out this giant bumblebee checking in on the flowers (you may need to click on the photo to enlarge it and see the bee).

When jogging last night, I could smell the scent of lilacs and apple blossoms in the air--I can't tell you how nice it is to be in the midst of a Michigan spring!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Your daily dose of sunshine

Sometimes (ok, most of the time), they just make me smile...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I finally caved!

As mentioned in my previous post, I have been traveling a lot lately. My current job takes me on the road at least once a month, if not more. It's always good to get out of the office and to go somewhere new for a different perspective on things.

My most recent trip to San Francisco had me taking the red eye back to Detroit. The flight is more than four hours long, and I was already tired even before boarding. I decided to make a purchase that I had resisted until now. But enough people swore by these funny looking pillows, and so I finally caved.

My impressions:

Definitely better than any pillow you can scrounge up from the overhead bins. But still not the paradise I was hoping for. Without a doubt it is the best thing I have tried yet for cushioning my head on plane rides. Still, after all the raving I have heard, I thought it would be the best thing since sliced bread. I wouldn't go that far, but then again I have never tried one of these puppies on an international flight. So the verdict is still out!

Anyone else tried these things?